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comment by littlebirdie
littlebirdie  ·  4294 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: I'm a crummy poet, but I'm writing a poem a day for 2013

Poem for January 13

Remove your old baseball cap, toss it into the stands, let some hopepful lad catch it.

Wad your morning paper, don't line the litter box where it still replays yesterday's events.

File your uneven nails,

drain the lukewarm bath,

close the open cereal box,

grab hold of your hair and pull.


You can rotate your own moon.


Look at my palms, open flat, nothing but sun pressed reflection.

JakobVirgil  ·  4294 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Remove the existing baseball cap Throwing standing Young hope fixed on Gaza. Your morning paper wad To play the litter box, however, Does not comply with the events of yesterday. Uneven files The Lukewarm bath leaked Terminate to open a box of cereal The head of the country, by dragging a handle. Pull it up! to be bright the month has rotation of screwed Yes. Look at the palm of my hand Flat ten But the sun does not press anything