These are ridiculous things to put in an executive order. Think about it, none of it says anything. The whole politicians thing is really starting to get at me. This is dishonest pandering. By issuing an "executive order", the average person thinks that hey, we're getting something done! But no, it turns out that all it is is a bunch of vague phrases saying we should keep an eye out for crazy people. Sure we can waste a bunch of time and money on making sure gun registries are kept up-to-date and documented. Sure we can make sure people get background checks before getting guns. But what do the people who get rejected do? Say "Oh, I guess I'm not fit to buy a gun."? No, they don't. They go to the nearest guy who can get him one, and buy it there. It's nonsense to think that gun registries work, or background checks. They don't prevent people from getting guns. When has any politician said "lets get off our asses and find out what causes gun violence"? I've never seen it. It's all just fluff in the face of an actual serious problem. A problem that we are actually pretty concerned about. My opinion (and only take this as an opinion) is that we need to clarify what the second amendment means. I'm a little bit overly-emotional about this issue and I might sound a little bit crazy, so feel free to criticize. I'd like to have a reasonable opinion.13. Maximize enforcement efforts to prevent gun violence and prosecute gun crime.
What does this possibly mean? That we assemble every single citizen to enforce gun laws? What does maximize even mean? And how do they "prevent" gun violence? I'm finding this entire list to be full of things that are completely meaningless. Laws need specifics, they can't just say "prevent gun violence". Have we not been trying to do so for a long time now?A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
There are many questions. What is "well regulated", why is a militia necessary to the security of a free state, who regulates the militia? What are arms? Sure, there are some obvious answers, but this line is seriously outdated. What about tanks, are they arms?
The supreme court recently clarified what the second amendment meant, which is what everyone assumed it meant until the mid to late 20th century. It's no more confusing than the first or fourth. Unfortunately, like the 1st and 4th it is scary for politicians and functionaries so they try to make it complicated and limit it. As I am wont to say to people: there is no hate speech, just speech. -XC