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comment by kurmit
kurmit  ·  4292 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: 'Zero Dark Thirty' Is Osama bin Laden's Last Victory Over America

    The only way we were ever going to win the War on Terror was to win a long, slow, political battle, in which we proved bin Laden wrong, where we allowed people in the Middle East to assess us as a nation and decide we didn't deserve to be mass-murdered. To use another cliché, we needed to win hearts and minds. We had to make lunatics like bin Laden pariahs among their own people, which in turn would make genuine terrorists easier to catch with the aid of genuinely sympathetic local populations.

I think this is an interesting perspective, and one that I'm initially inclined to agree with. But then I get to thinking: what if it's simply wrong? It's an optimistic perspective, where if we simply act rationally and correctly enough, eventually people "come around" and decide that the West is OK. What if they would have hated us either way? What if they never "came around"?

speeding_snail  ·  4291 days ago  ·  link  ·  

In any conflict, be it small or large, dialogue should be the first step. Try to get the countries involved to understand that the terrorists were wrong to do what they did. Show goodwill. This is the first step to cooperation with those countries to get the terrorists. Indeed, the people may never come around, but an attempt to resolve the conflict without the use of force would have been made.

After 11 September 2001, the US started an investigation to look who was responsible. After that everything moved really fast and 7 October the first bombs fell in Afghanistan in a joint operation with the British army. That is less than a month. No sign of talks with the local authorities. Instead of trying to bring the criminals to justice, the US took justice in it's own hands. And to make it worse, the US didn't fight a clean war. The US uses torture and instead of trying the main antagonists in court, they were shot dead.

Long story short, the US acted like a bully instead of trying to talk things out first. This makes the Middle East see the US as a bully instead of a rational country.