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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  4289 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Serif Readability Myth

Bell Gothic was created by Chauncey Griffin at Morgenthaler for AT&T in 1938. The entire point was maximum readibility, minimum space. When Matt Carter was given the task by AT&T again in 1975, Bell Centennial remained sans-serif.

Futura is what they put on the fucking moon:

Professionally, I use Bank Gothic and Bell Gothic for my stationary and have since before Battlestar Galactica polluted f'ing everything with Bank Gothic. For writing I use Futura and OCR-A, which would pretty much have blown the shit out of the "Serif Readibility myth" 40+ years before this paper was written if MICR-E13B hadn't already done it five years previously.