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comment by IntimidatingScones
IntimidatingScones  ·  4281 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: There is Nothing to Writing

I think it's wort noting, I wrote the above during an emotional outpour, fully expecting it to be passed over. It is the unadulterated thoughts during a moment of pain and desperation, woven out instinctively into something resembling poetry.

I love writing, and I love the voice I write with.

Thank you so much, all of you who liked what I had to say and encouraged me along. I also appreciate those who tried to help by giving me suggestions on some drastic style changes. But this was more hopeful for the former than expectant of the latter. But more than that, it was simply meant to BE. it was a sudden profusion I felt compelled to share.

I appreciate that it was read so much and garnered so much discussion! This is indeed an incredibly interesting community.