- Boys score as well as or better than girls on most standardized tests, yet they are far less likely to get good grades, take advanced classes or attend college. Why?
This is a really interesting article, which I think is mostly true. Growing up there always seemed to be a disproportionate amount of troublemakers that were boys as opposed to girls. What I found especially interesting was how at predominately African American schools, girls were by far the majority.
As one of those "boys at the back," I can attest to the truthfulness of this article in my life. I never gave a damn about school, because most of the required parts bored me (a vastly bigger problem than a 60/40 breakdown in F/M college degrees, incidentally). And looking back, isn't it pretty much true in all of our memories, when you think of the people you knew who took school extremely seriously, who never skived, always asked lots of questions, sat in the front -- majority girls, yes? I think that's fairly typical of most American junior and high schools. (And I'm not talking about the kids who ended up speaking at graduation, necessarily -- I'm talking about those who tried the hardest. It seems in retrospect that the median girl at my high school probably had better grades and cared more than the median boy.)