It's a toss up between the following songs. I don't wanna stay at your party
I don't wanna talk with your friends
I don't wanna vote for your president
I just wanna be your tugboat captain This song is about Sterling Morrison, the guitarist of Van Morrison. He decided to drop his music career to go out and be a tugboat captain. In typical Dean Wareham style the vocal delivery is so crushingly somber. I can't use just one line from that section, nor do I feel it has a proper impact without the context of the song. It's such an elegant and sad way of telling people to go be who they want to be, and to do what they want to do.
Or Changed my mind so much I can't even trust it
My mind changed me so much I can't even trust myself What's a lyric thread without Modest Mouse? Isaac Brock is (usually) a lyrical genius, and it shows on Talking Shit About a Pretty Sunset. I think this part in particular rings true for most people, or at least for me.