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comment by kleinbl00

I haven't read it since I was fifteen, I think. I had read the short story in this amazing tome when I was in 5th grade and found it amazing; I read the novel and was annoyed that the basic "here is a troubled kid that is getting the shit kicked out of him who retaliates by flipping over the card table" motif had been replaced by this messianic diversion involving brothers and eugenics and world politics and proteges and other off-the-spine bullshit that didn't serve much purpose.

I then read Speaker for the Dead (because that's what you do) and found it to be a good, if forgettable read. I plowed through Xenocide and could not give a shit about the teddy bear trees, particularly as they're flagrant rip-offs of H Beam Piper's Fuzzies twisted through an OSC-colored lens. Ewoks, at least, are endearing.

You might enjoy this link. it was, in my opinion, the highlight of that entire OSC discussion. It appears no one else has the patience for it; I found that although I haven't read Ender's Game in 20 years, I found myself saying "Oh yeah!" a lot.

Friend of mine turned down storyboarding the Ender's Game movie (he went with Joseph Kosinski's Oblivion instead). He hadn't read the book.

It was pitched to the crew as "Harry Potter in Space."

user-inactivated  ·  4320 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Will read that article.

    Friend of mine turned down storyboarding the Ender's Game movie (he went with Joseph Kosinski's Oblivion instead). He hadn't read the book.

    It was pitched to the crew as "Harry Potter in Space."

Awful, awful, he made the right -- the only -- decision. Awful.