What a great story! I remember when it all exploded, and I remember thinking to myself that whoever filmed that singlehandedly changed the elections. I also remember thinking, what kind of arrogant idiot would believe that you can talk so candidly and not have people find out. If you are thinking of running for President, expect to be followed every step of the way. There are precious few moments that you can speak your mind without people knowing, and a banquet is definitely not one of them. This man changed history, with some help. He should be famous. He should be held up as an example of all that is good about people. He saw a despicable message given by someone who was trying to be the most powerful man in the US and arguably the world. And he got that message out, to everyone. Bigwigs everywhere will now be scared (as they should) of anyone with a camera, a phone, or perhaps in the future Google glass. By doing this, a message was sent. You can not hide.