That seems a bit thin to me. It may be so, but might it be that Henry Rollins' piece stuck a chord with those 32,913 people who reposted it that one of those thousands of pieces written by a woman did not? Perhaps it was more accessible to them for whatever reason.
First off, you're a dude spouting off about patriarchy, picking at me, a poster, who's by the way female, about what I chose to post. So your comments aren't sitting that well with me. Second, until you find an article that says what Henry Rollins says that a woman wrote, your point is moot. Third, Henry Rollins' popularity is not only a result of his gender, but a result of everything he's done. So, while I do believe that patriarchy is a problem and feminism is necessary in modern American and the world, until you can find me an article written by a similarly situated female that says essentially the same thing, please stop spouting your psuedo-educated comments.
It's a good thing no one said that Rollins's words were, then, isn't it? In the past few days I've posted 4 articles about Steubenville, and I choose to keep it at four; there were others I could have posted and more I've seen posted, including an xojane article posted here, which should fulfill some of your yearnings for feminists speaking up on the topic, if you've seen it around. So, there's been plenty of talk about the subject on Hubski and from varied perspectives. This article is popular at the moment but it's by no means the only one.