So, with fertility below replacement and with social/welfare policies that can only be funded by a young society what is going to happen in Europe, Japan, and the US? Are we going to let the old fend for themselves? Or are we going to force the young with little wealth ( but perhaps high income) support the high wealth ( but perhaps low income ) elderly?
What happens at the moment in Europe and the US is immigration. We keep a stable population because of new immigrants. What is happening in Japan is population decline because they don't allow non-Japanese people to become permanent Japanese citizens. Eventually they will be forced economically to permit immigration.
That is a great point. However, that solves the short term problem, but not the long term problem. Unless you can say that there will poor countries that are willing to allow limitless emigration to the US forever and the immigration solves the social/welfare problems instead of exacerbating them. Immigrants are usually poor, how are poor people going to solve welfare problems? Immigration has solved Europes population problems, but certainly not their economic/welfare ones.
How these transitions effect social/welfare problems is really another topic (although an equally interesting one - and I feel as though I would need to do more research to give my informed opinion). And you are right that immigration solves no ones long-term problem if the whole world develops and has a below replacement level fertility. However by 2050 I feel as though life expectancy will be much longer and humans will not be the only sentient beings on the planet (robots will be as well). So the situation is a little hard to predict.
I just thought I'd put this out there since the original article didn't seem to give the other side of below replacement fertility levels.