I was, for about half a decade, a medium-sized cog in the diminutive machine that was the Seattle independent film scene. When I began interacting with LA, none of my acquaintances could truly believe the tales of horror and unprofessionalism that were the bread and butter of my experience.
So I would forward them this article.
As you read, pay careful attention to the tone of the author. Note his defiance, his pride, his sense of accomplishment, his hipsterish ownership of abject, unabashed failure.
This is where JTHipster's films come from. This is their ecosystem. This is the bilgewater they swim in; these are the tepid waterfalls of sewage they must vault over in order to land flopping on the shores of your Netflix Instant queue.
I have not seen the film mentioned. I know no one who worked on it. I pinch my temples, even now, reading the mistakes made, but it is only because I have seen them made again and again and again.
For those curious, box office performance is here. The release pattern indicates single-theater 4-walling followed by an attempt to branch to 3, followed by capitulation and failure.