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user-inactivated · 4280 days ago · link · · parent · post: Greg Beato: Google’s Driverless Future: Will self-piloting vehicles rob us of the last of our privacy and autonomy?
On-topic: I've never understood exactly why we're supposed to care quite so much. If you're engaging in criminal activity, okay, I get it -- don't use a driverless car. Or google. We've known that for a while. If you care about your "privacy" to the extent that you think google gives a damn how many times you've been to Taco Bell, don't use a driverless car. I'll be busy using one to save myself time and money (if I can ever pay for it in the first place).In time, Google will know when you arrive at work each morning, how many times a week you go to Taco Bell, how long you spend at the gym.