Well, if that's your stance, why doesn't Apple, whose CEO is openly gay (IIRC), have a significant gay advertising presence? I'd argue that Apple is more important than Disney in terms of brand loyalty and identification.... -XC PS - I suspect Disney will still be a brand in 25 years and Apple will be as important as Sony. Different business models. Though Disney will die if Congress gives us back our constitutional copyright protections, but I don't see that happening.
Well, Disney has characters and tells stories, and Apple just has to give us increasingly cool gadgets. I haven't felt that any Apple ads were noticeably either hetero- or homo-sexual. Apple seems kinda 'future androgenous', actually. I actually didn't know Tim Cook was gay. But Apple does have a fairly conservative social stance when it comes to apps. At any rate, both companies just want to make the most people happy and avoid controversy, and I think that largely describes their behavior. Agreed. Disney pretty much owns that portion of our government.
As the gender studies people will tell you: if the sexuality isn't obvious, then it's hetero-normative. Like the race studies people will tell you: if no color is mentioned, then the color is white. So I say to Tim Cook - bring us an openly gay Apple ad. There have been plenty of Apple ads with boys/girls, why not some LGBTU action here? _XC