I have quite a sizeable and obvious scar running along the right side of my nose. I managed to find myself at school camp sailing a Laser dingy. I was calling out to one of my friends, looking back away from the front of the boat - I started to hear the boat start to gybe so I instinctively ducked. However, I'd normally sailed Pacers - their booms are at a much different height. I managed to duck into the swinging boom. It caught my nose, broke it, and left a pretty deep gash. Blood everwhere.
I got knocked out of the boat, but the water was shallow enough for me to just stand up, so I just climbed back down and lay down until I was sure I wasn't going to pass out. As for it getting reset, I went to the hospital, in the hope that they'd knock it straight back into place. Instead, they tell me to come back in 2 weeks time for surgery (which I did). Get knocked out, a "5 minute procedure takes place", wake up, cast taped to my face. Leave. Return, cast gets taken off. What do you know. My nose was still crooked. It's straight, just on the wrong place on my face. It's off by about 30 degrees.