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> Jos applied to Stanford, Reed, Pomona, UC San Diego, UC Santa Cruz, Colorado College, Puget Sound, and Lewis and Clark. Although his grades and SATs were not tops, he was admitted by every one of them. We don't know what his teachers wrote about him, but these application essays are real zingers!
baileyarnidot · 2183 days ago · link ·
Understanding the theme of your college essay is very important. If you don’t know what you are writing about, what you should be writing about or what the committee members want from you through the college essay then you are in trouble. Acquire the skill to successfully comprehend the theme of your college essay through a college essay example. For this you need to understand how the writer of the sample essay has addressed his/her topic and what strategies the writer has used to do so.
But how to do it? What would discourage these subversive mavericks and encourage mediocrity? What great invention was found that did this so swiftly? The method would have to be universally accepted by all, and it must be applied early in a child's life, preferably in his school years. Then it hit me. Standardized testing.