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comment by onehunna
onehunna  ·  4232 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The college-athletics business: Basket cases | The Economist

Couldn't disagree more. It's true that there are serious issues with the NCAA (as far as corruption goes) and that's been no secret for more than a minute now. Definite broad and sweeping changes need to be made across the board but eliminate athletics from all universities? That's crazy talk homie.

I'll preface what I'm about to say with this: I think we're both coming at this from a biased standpoint. I'm assuming you're not a sports fan. I'm a huge sports guy. I love everything about it. But stating that sports should be abolished from schools because it's not a scholarly endeavor? That's the absurdity right there. Should we get rid of clubs then, too? What about university organized dances and get-togethers?

Athletics are huge money draws for schools and give the students something to be enthusiastic and excited about. Most universities emphasize some sort of 'pride' for attending their school, and sports are a huge part of that. The dumb 'jocks' that are sucking up all of that precious scholarship money are just as much a part of the student body as everyone else, and just because you may view their talents as less worthy than say, some Biology major, doesn't make it so.

NotPhil  ·  4231 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    I'm assuming you're not a sports fan. I'm a huge sports guy.

Making assumptions is hazardous. I grew up playing sports, and I watch spectator sports. I've also attended universities which had athletics programs and universities that only organized (but did not pay or charge for) participatory extracurricular activities, like intramural sports (and the clubs you're worried about).

The difference in academics, social cohesion, and corruption were very noticeable, and none of those differences favored the schools with athletics programs.

    Athletics are huge money draws for schools

I think you'll have a difficult time demonstrating that these athletic programs actually help the school financially. They usually cost the school a great deal, and their expense is generally justified by claiming the programs are good PR (but considering the number of scandals associated with athletic programs, I think this is a silly argument).