Much appreciate the feedback. I'll incorporate it into a rewrite, but I must point something out. The ending is not a cop out. If you notice the sequence of the story, he falls into the coma AFTER the hand picks him up, therefore it's not "all a dream" because the hand was part of the story before the coma. I may have to make that clearer, but I didn't see how the ending could be interpreted as "he was in a coma the whole time" it was supposed to be a bit of a joke that he thinks he isn't very far from civilization, but is actually a huge walk through unclean woods away. I avoid those kinds of ending like the plague because I think those are a cop out. Additionally, the hand and voice and ears aren't omnipotent, which is why they don't give him answers. I was showing how there could be these big, incredible beings that appear to be all-knowing since their abilities exceed those of a normal human, when in fact they are just as clueless and fallible as humans.