Here's a link the IMDB There was actually a pretty interesting documentary done by BBC questioning the existence of al-Qaeda called "The Power of Nightmares." I try to say away from the conspiracy theory esq. stuff, but because it was done by BBC I thought I give it a try since they're a reputable source.
I quite enjoy a good conspiracy theory if I look at it like a great story, but try to keep my emotions and logic and deeper thought away from this subject. I love learning facts and expanding my horizons knowledge-wise, but when it comes to 9/11, terrorism, governments, etc, I'm extremely apathetic. I'm sure it's not the ideal way of thinking, but I feel there's not much I can do to significantly change the existence of terrorists or how governments worldwide spread the fear and/or hide and manipulate the significance of said terrorists. I think the issue with 9/11 and terrorism is that the whole thing is too much damn hurt and too much damn tragedy - emotionally and physically - and a documentary or a government warning isn't going to fix or change anything. It's just going instill deeper fear, hurt, resentment & create more conspiracy theories & make people worldwide angrier at the terrorists, the government, and each other. Feel free to change my view / educate me.
I think it's really interesting that terrorism within itself compared to most forms of destruction and murder has one of the biggest emotional impact to people we're not associated with. Other things have a bigger impact. We sort of care about that as a nation, but no where near the level as a terrorism act. While I don't think it'll change your view, I simply think it's a neat prospective that no one talks about.