Whicb one are you in?(Poets of G+) is really well run... though I wouldn't say the quality of actual poetry is of hubski standard, there are gems, but there have been some extraordinary discussions had. I know the structure of PoG+ has just changed to greatly limit the volume of poetry so it might be worth checking back if it was crap before.
yeahhhh.... no Poets of G+ is the only one that's moderated it looks like. And the moderation is the best I've seen online. People can only submit once to specific contests that then are curated into a flipboard newsletter. The (eight) mods are all hubski standard and active. I've met and discussed with many great people with broad expertise. That being said, I've lost interest currently. I want to jump back in... but it takes a lot of work still to power through the sludge. I wish G+ controls were a bit more fine grained so I could filter out specific categories. They've got 100 newcomers in the last week. That's a lot of enthusiastic newbies. But, if I had a poetry book to promote, it would be the best bet. All you have to do is give people the slightest of feedbacks and you're in their good graces. The community is good about keeping spam off though, so you have to circle pretty aggressively and then let them know outside of the community. Also, if the mods like you they will give you a shoutout in their own (sometimes impressively big) sphere. louderwords -- maybe you might have success promoting Hool this way?