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hubskier for: 3551 days
Oh wow, that piece seems so abstract and surreal. I will have to look more into that, as I have never heard of art brut before. Thanks for the share!
Pollock is pretty incredible. I wonder how much of his works are made meticulously finely crafting each line of color, and how much are truly random drips of paint. Either way, his works somehow come together to give off powerful emotions. I agree that it's fun to overanalyze! Fractal art is so unique, and I love that it has roots in mathematics. It's almost as if it is designed to appease the eye... Thanks for the share!
That is very interesting indeed. Is there any particular reason you do not like art with people in it, perhaps because you want to get away from the hustle and bustle of human life? I could be misinterpreting what you are saying here, but I have certainly had moments when I just wanted to look at art that had nothing to do with humans just so I can appreciate nature for what it really is. As for surrealistic paintings, I have always been intrigued to delve into the crazy symbolisms that are used. I usually fail at it though, and accept that the paintings are just very...surreal. Do you mind sharing some of your favorite "imaginary" landscapes and/or surrealistic paintings? And thanks for the share!
I'm glad you said that, because Van Gogh is my favorite artist as well and I recently got a huge canvas of Starry Night! There are a lot of his slightly lesser known works too which I love, and would love to share if you are interested. He has such a unique style - you can always tell a Van Gogh work from a mile away. Truly a shame that he (allegedly) only sold one painting in his entire life... Thanks for the share!
Hmm, I never even thought about doodles, very interesting! Monet is the man. He is a big inspiration to why I like impressionist paintings so much. I have also never seen either of those artists you shared before but just spent about 20 minutes browsing their works. Absolutely incredible! Makes you really feel like you can escape from reality for just a few moments... Thanks for the share!
Couldn't agree more about film. There are so many more dimensions you can reach by being able to add character, dialogue, and plot. What are some of your favorite films and how do they make you feel? I never thought about those landscape paintings before... I like how vast the outdoors are in that picture. Really makes me feel small and like there is so much more to be discovered. Beautiful stuff. Thanks for the share!
Sure video games can be art. There are a lot of beautiful video games out there, and I would certainly agree with Bioshock Infinite and Spec Ops: The Line. Have you ever heard of Journey for PS3? That game is pure art rolled into a game. Very haunting and mysterious. I'm also a big fan of the Zelda series, which brings all kinds of emotions and feelings together. And finally, although a bit more playful, Super Mario Galaxy has some stunning visuals!
Wow, that is a phenomenal choice for a painting to show an alien. I'm still thinking of films, novels, and music, but will definitely get back to you on that. Thanks for the share!
Photography is great! What kind of landscape photography do you like best (mountains, rolling hills, meadows, etc.)? Feel free to share pictures!
I definitely agree with this. I think getting "lost" is the best way to get to understand your true self better, free from distractions.