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Six years ends winter Spring floods destroy new blossoms A summer knight saves

Having sociopathic traits isn't always a bad thing. Especially not for the person with the disorder since they are essentially never unhappy unless they're not getting what they want. No useless worrying and wringing their hands over things which they have no control of. A balanced person is able to be apathetic sometimes and empathetic sometimes - not always one or the other. Their arrogance, in our eyes, is just logical processing and categorizing of people and services and things the same way we organize and categorize animals for study.

Consumers! of course, why didn't I think of that?

I disagree that these social media sites like Twitter actually sparked revolutions. People will fight and revolt and protest with or without the internet. We've been doing it for literally forever. It's human nature to communicate when we have a problem. But, again, I have my own selfish point of view regarding internet technology and its value in society.

Thanks for the enlightening POV . I'm not nearly as familiar with economic modeling as I believed I was. The perspective that there can be a value placed on empathy, for example, seems intuitive but I just sort of assumed it was ignored as a worthless personality trait for the sake of economic modeling.

Your explanation is way easy to understand. In fact, I'd never really considered how valuable it is to keep a person alive for the sake of the family's emotional health. I just have my own personal values about it which don't necessarily generalize to a community as a whole.

Kajiote  ·  3389 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Rudyard Kipling Interviews Mark Twain

The quote about mathematics had me rolling, though. Kipling captured Mark Twain's imposing figure and witty quips really well. He made it feel like it was just on the verge of being intrusive into Twain's daily life . I got a slight sense of sarcasm, though. Like Kipling was being a little too diminutive or groveling. I'm not sure if maybe I'm reading too much into it but why emphasize with such incredible detail the overwhelming value of simply being touch by Twain, or wanting to steal his pipe?

In order to play Devil's advocate here: If you're not capable of contributing to your society then what value do you truly have? Is it everyone else's responsibility to keep people alive for the sake of having more friends or family members around you than if they just died off?

Although it's not even as simple as "pensioners are worth less because they earn less." Why do computer programmers who sell their souls to Apple or Google get to earn 6 figure salaries - why are they valued as highly as doctors? More valuable than teachers. More valuable than nurses. What the hell good is Facebook doing for humanity? That's more like a personal beef because I live in Silicon Valley and I do not work in tech. I teach special education. I'm far less valuable to my community than Twitter.

Economic models are not based on the value of a human life to the benefit of their community. People are paid a lot because they will allow a company to earn even more. I'm paid comparatively less because I don't work at a for-profit organization and I don't contribute to this capitalistic culture of making and selling products or services. I just ensure that children will grow up to be empathetic. Something we obviously need more of.

Kajiote  ·  3392 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: 9 Reddit Alternatives Trying So Hard

Between hubski and voat I have found voat to be such an identical clone of reddit complete with meaningless ball-busting comments while hubski actually provides an alternative. It's not the same and it incorporates the coolest features of multiple social media like hashtags.

They'd probably be really into horses. Like in Kentucky. They probably eat a lot of BBQ but it's all veggie. They'd wear cowboy hats and they keep people as pets who work like servants by cleaning the parts that the centaurs can't reach and stuff. I guess that's basically slavery. So they'd be vegetarian Kentucky slave-owning horse ranchers.