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hubskier for: 4436 days
Why do you give credence to this creationist nonsense dressed as science??
Thanks, no it was not intended but no problem; hope I have not offended any homicidal loons :-)
I hope you are correct; my kids and theirs do, also. History shows that 'human nature' is so hard to change and we are so expert at fooling ourselves- 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' must be one of the worst aphorisms. Then there's religion, a form of insanity so infectious it beggars belief (pun intended). Islam particularly, anti-science and ossified; if that took over we are all doomed because after all, Allah knows best & we have no choice! Apology for my angry reaction- so many optimistic but unsubstantiated\ill informed opinions around that make for dangerous complacency. Yours IS well reasoned, however.
Charlie Darwin <>
12:04 AM (1 hour ago) to hubski
Well my reply was too confrontational I guess- but what do you expect when ignoring the blue whale in the jacuzzi?
Honestly no discussion of humanity's future is relevant without including climate change and how to ameliorate it;
nothing can be done to nullify CC because it is already too far advanced for current or anticipated technologies to
have any effect.
I read the link and some of the fusion claims but as usual, it is 'just around the corner'... or according to Michio Kaku,
at least 20 years away. Are the following points valid, or not? 1. Laboratory fusion is easy compared to industrial scale engineering
2. Construction costs are astronomical
3. ITER is already twice over budget
4. Safety- what if the magnetic containment of the plasma fails? What effect would a burst of neutrons have? Would
meltdown be possible?
"100 million C. At this temperature, the hydrogen nuclei fuse to produce helium, releasing neutrons and a huge
amount of energy. The plasma is so hot that a powerful magnetic field is needed to stop it from touching the
reactor's walls"
5. In the 50's the 'experts' ALL claimed fission reactors would produce clean, nearly free power; in fact they were
used to produce weapon grade plutonium as the political essential. Whilst fusion reactors cannot be used for such
nefarious purposes, we have reason to be suspicious of the claimed outcomes...
6. IF fusion is achieved commercially we still have the current scenario of centralised power generation, with high
distribution costs and losses.
7. With this in mind, it is likely that small decentralised thorium reactors may prove to be far cheaper, safer and
more practical. India and China are investing heavily in research. The principle was priven in the 60's but dropped
in favour of uranium fission, for the reason stated in 5.
8. AFAIK, fusion is NOT 100% clean since the linings of the containment chamber are irradiated and must be changed out As for solar and wind power, both have severe limitations, unable to produce 24/7 and subsidy dependent, for now. I'd
thought that wave/tidal was the way to go but apparently not, in spite of almost 100% availability and high energy density. So, I think the picture is not as rosy as you suggest.
Another crap article from the wilfully blind- so climate change has nothing to do with overpopulation and the sixth extinction is scaremongering? It is obvious that too many people jammed into too little space is a recipe for conflict, quite apart from competition for resources causing war. It is not beyond possibility that runaway warming will terminate humankind, or effectively end civilisation- but of course, that's also scaremongering...
1. Muslims do not acknowledge the violence, hatred and racism in the koran/ahadith/sunnah
2. Websites
3. No Muslim will give me an answer to no 1. Living in a Muslim country I meet many good muslims yet they know less about Islam, koran, hadith, etc than I do- this is also true of most christians & their bible. Neither feels the need to ask but rather blindly accept what they are told. When Muslims deny the facts I have to ask 'why is 95% of the violence going on in the world related to Islam, then?' The usual reply is that these are 'bad' muslims who twist the koran's teachings; this is either taqiyya, or plain lack of knowledge. Two objections- 1. there are millions of 'bad' muslims, then?
2. No, they are doing what the koran/andMuhammad instructs them to do...
(see answer 1. above) The final and insoluble problem- ALL muslims I speak to insist the koran is from Allah, word perfect and true for all time, until the end of days. Therefore, unlike christianity it cannot be reformed and is stuck forever in 7th century values of savagery and primitivism.
There are so many reasons human colonisation won't happen- 1. Cost- obvious, unless a technology revolution occurs, soon! 2. Danger- no atmosphere, no van Allen belt, no protection from solar radiation or flares 3. Time factor- journey time, radiation exposure, bone mass loss, etc. 4. Global warming- in the near future will require most of civilisation's wealth to combat 5. Resource depletion- making hardware costs increase exponentially 6. Additional to 3. Civilisation is running out of time, can't agree on what to do 7. Psychological- The biggest problem of all; a small group isolated from all that Earth offers; beauty, freedom to wander, landscape, family, sea/air/colours/wildlife etc, etc. To live permanently in a completely hostile environment, confined to a greenhouse, utterly desolate and boring scenery, sensory deprivation, no chance of rescue or return. Recipe for depression, madness and suicide!
Of course it's gravity- how can magnetism act on gases? Other factors are needed because gravity is constant; rotational speed, greenhouse effect, solar intensity, etc