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hubskier for: 2357 days
Addiction is a part of animals. Cats, monkeys etc. consume natural substances which gives high. Now a toxic material is addictive if taken in a limited volume. The main reason for addiction is getting away from the bonds of this body. Isn't it... think and it is true.. Read More.. h ttp://w
Good. Sweden is moving towards it's death. Be too good and get kicked. Read quran and hadish both. Misuse of trust and friendship. Reason being everyone other than muslim is govern by satan as per the religion.
You can die = Con. Pros = you can die.
Absolutely i do agree. The thing is some people have issues in their genes derived from parents etc. But those are very few cases. The most and the biggest problem is no control over the tongue. Don't mind me but american pallet is too much indulged in cream, butter and creamy tasting products. This is according to me the biggest issue. Though milk is good and milk refined products in high measures create obesity. Green vegetables and flour is the solution with thai spices.
Well we don't know human history. Not even the origin of human beings. Obesity is caused by inquinchable thirst for the food and no control over your taste buds. Eat healthy and not just just stop eating.
I would disagree. Obesity is caused by inquinchable thirst for the food and no control over your taste buds. Eat healthy and not just just stop eating.
I would disagree. Obesity is caused by inquinchable thirst for the food and no control over your taste buds. Eat healthy and not just just stop eating...Read more h ttp ://ww w.writerscafe. org/writing/johnyexpert /2062482/
Yes i believe too. But it is just speculation as there are many speculation which are made by science but never come true. Let's wish it. But if created will only be a sweet for the rich.