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hubskier for: 4030 days
Yup, I got into Radiolab recently and started listening from the start. Good stuff.
I just started listening to podcasts, around springtime this year. For me it was my goal of walking more. Constantly listening to music while walking was sort of boring, but listening to podcasts while walking is amazing. I've always wanted to listen to podcasts, but now I have a reason to. Anyone have any suggestions for good podcasts, while we're at it? Maybe there's an old thread around here with some good suggestions?
It could be, if they set up the server on the other end to capture it. But that's still only the stuff you type to the start menu.I don't know why all the metadata is needed, and it's possibly excessive, but this isn't the keylogger the original post claimed.
My friends and I just play the mods, like castle fight, element td, and legion td. I'd suck haaaaaard at the normal RTS game.
Oh I know dualbooting is an option. I actually go a step further and have two physical computers right next to each other, one running windows and the other linux. I used to run 100% linux before, but switched back to my current setup a little while ago. Blizzard games (WC3, Hearthstone) and Rocket League are my current holdouts. I haven't tried them in Wine yet, but I bet they'd all work pretty decently.
They're making it pretty alluring to switch to linux full-time. I've done it before but switched back because I missed my games. But...
Very interesting! I haven't thought of doing that before. Now I'm going to have to find some that cater to my music tastes.
Unrelated to that request, but is there an issue tracker for hubski? (github's?)
I'm actually still interested in <insert lisp language here> for webdev. How easy is it to get started doing Racket webdev? Any recommended readings?
Ooo, a chance to look at some Arc
I think i've missed some news or something. Why should I hate Amazon?
And even mix the three. ?tag=blah&user=mk& ?tag=music&sharedby=syzo&numshares=5+ stuff like that to form your own RSS feed would be awesome.
You can use a reader to aggregate a bunch of different RSS feeds together. It also keeps track of what you've read and not read. I use Tiny Tiny RSS, but there's also this, this, this, this, and more. I've been toying with the idea of making my own, too. I aggregate together a bunch of feeds from reddit, youtube, podcasts, webcomics, and blogs, and it keeps track of what I've read and not read (I'm actually super backlogged right now). Now that I've learned that hubski supports it, I'll probably add some feeds from here as well.
Oh! I actually was unaware that Hubski already supported RSS. RSS is the perfect solution for that, and there's already tools you can use to get email from RSS. That having been said, I'd support having an email notification if you decide that it's not too much more added complexity, but I probably wouldn't use it (I use an RSS reader anyway).
also, Oh, CGP Grey.Thought germs exploit weak points in your brain. AKA, emotions.