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shanoxilt  ·  4007 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: A Geeky Problem: Queer Terminology for a Constructed Language

    Gender and sex are confusing as hell in modern languages, I don't think German differentiates the two concepts by noun at all, and English common usage doesn't really differentiate too much

The current Lojban gismu {cinse} has this problem. It doesn't distinguish between orientation or gender:

cinse x1 in activity/state x2 exhibits sexuality/gender/sexual orientation x3 (ka) by standard x4.

There have been small discussions about changing this or creating a compound word to separate them, but little has come of it.

    They have no idea. Transgendered isn’t a word, because ‘to transgender’ doesn’t make sense.

In Lojban, as in many parts of English, all gismu are both nouns and verbs; more accurately, they are logical predicates of arguments.

    Variant sexes is going way too far until you can express the basics well enough. Can I guess 95%+ of Lojban speakers are male?

I would assume so, but based on the activity on my Twitter feed, the ones doing the most creative work are cisgender women.

    Orgasm/Climax is JUST sexual release?

What else is it? >.>