That's a pretty pessimistic viewpoint :( I personally feel reasonably happy most time. I have my worries but it's mostly stuff like the upcoming exam or presentation that I know don't matter in the long run. I might cry a couple times during stressful times to get the frustration out, but that doesn't happen very often. And how deep from the surface are you talking about? Sure, my 500 facebook friends only see the nice pictures and fun times I'm having but anyone close to me usually know about my current goals, struggles and ambitions. I don't bother them with the specifics of my problems not to hide anything but because I doubt anyone wants to get into the specifics of why exactly a particular class is stressing me out, it's enough to just say "I've been on edge lately with school, let's go have a beer and talk about other stuff". There is no way to truly know the truth about how happy others around you truly are but I prefer thinking everybody's reasonably happy or are trying something to make it better.