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thenewgreen  ·  4399 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: "I'm calling from Windows" scammer calls ArsTechinica.

I enjoyed reading this. I come from a long line of men that take great pleasure in talking at length to telephone solicitors, only to reveal at the end that they have zero interest. My father will feign enthusiasm for up to 10 minutes, "Surely you jest, there's no way I could save that much money on my electric bill...". And then end the call saying "We're actually quakers and we don't use electricity". Or something equally as ridiculous.

Recently I've been getting the phone call saying that they have "important information on one of my credit cards". Then they go on to tell me that "You qualify to have your interest rate reduced by blah, blah, blah". They want to get you in to a new credit card program. It's shameful.

If you ever get this call just say "I only carry American Express". They'll hang up.