Hah. Been there done that. People said the same thing about me around the time I started reading Watts, but it wasn't just Watts. I was lost and looking for some answers, somewhere in my early to mid twenties. I called it a "quarter life crisis". Turns out Watts didn't have any answers, but he told me there probably never will be any, and that I should just enjoy what's what, and that the answers aren't really important anyway... but in a much more eloquent and lengthy way. I started shaving my head around that time, meditating, and I even have a tiny shrine with a Buddha and a water dish and all that jazz. I had some friends who probably though I was losing it, but honestly I was "finding it". I'm not religious at all and consider myself agnostic, but Buddhism gives me something to kind of focus on, and help hone my thoughts and keep myself on the path that I want to be on.because honestly, from the outside it looks like he's losing his mind.