It's not just you.
Replace instrument with something like math. How many people still use the Pythagorean Theorem? Does that mean that math is useless and shouldn't be forced on children the way music is? My parents have always encouraged me to play an instrument, and I've had drum lessons early on. I was quite good for my age, but quit after a couple of years. To say those were wasted lessons seems ridiculous to me. My understanding and enjoyment of music is much greater than it would be had I not played an instrument. I wouldn't trade it for the world, especially not for useless Hebrew lessons.[..] I propose an even simpler test. Go on Facebook and ask your friends to chime in if, when they were children, they took five years or more of a classical instrument. Then ask all the respondents when they last played their instrument. I tried a version of this at a dinner party recently. There were about ten adults present; I was the only one who had not played an instrument for many years as a child. All of them confessed that they never played their instrument.
Yes. In indulging in the art, one gains a greater appreciation. Even if it is for a few lessons.