I don't know what I want, that's the problem!
Nothing's ever supposed to bother you. You are bothered by something or not, and it seems like you're not bothered by not knowing what to do with your life. It's okay to be comfortable in the present, even though society expects you to always aim for a better version of yourself. The question is not 'should I do more with my life', it's 'am I happy now?' To be happy for me means to be happy with who I am and who I was. I often ask myself: if I were to drop dead on the floor right now, would I be content with who I was up until that moment? If the answer is 'no' too many days, I know I need to change something important. For me, I'm very happy who I am right now, I just don't know if my education will lead me to a life that I like. Whatever that life may be. I'm in constant doubt and it is wearing me out. An unfulfilling career is such a terrifying thought to me. To spend hours upon hours a week on something I don't like? This video changed my outlook on the time I still have left. It's valuable and I am scared of wasting it.It's supposed to bother me, right?