I personally think that following more people than tags provides the best experience. Also, following popular tags leads to more generic content. I like to follow people that share good stuff, plus some lesser used tags. Also, remember following is not friending! Don't be afraid to judiciously follow and unfollow people until your feed feels right. For example, insomniasexx and I are good pals, but she just shares too much for me. :) Still her best posts often reach me through other people that I follow. If you are comparing to Reddit, it's likely your feed will feel like a mid-sized subreddit. We tend to ruminate on the best posts a bit longer. But feel free to peruse the global posts up top, and help bring anything good into the mix by sharing and/or follow the person.
Thanks that is what I'm going to do. Its a very good point about the following is not friending. Already it seems there are people that I really like the comments of, and agree with but the types of things they are interested in and share I am not interested in.