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Absolutely -- gay pride is, in a major way, a rebuttal, a push back against societal discrimination and hatred. Bering doesn't deny this. But the notion of pride and all that it entails runs counter to what the movement should try to achieve. As a gay man, the values I would like to see promoted by the community are confidence and self-esteem -- not pride. As the author notes, the absence of pride is not equivalent to shame.
It is on some level a pedantic argument, but words are important. Words shape how we feel and portray ourselves more than we realize. So I think it's important to craft our message carefully: be happy, be confident, but don't be proud.
AnSionnachRua · 4817 days ago · link ·
I agree. Pride of one's sexuality, no matter what it is, is silly.
I'm somewhere between
and on this one. Pride for your heredity is foolish and arrogant, but being proud for having the courage to come out as gay is something else. At the very least that deserves pride in yourself.For one of my friends, it was as simple as telling her mom--who was also gay. My uncle had a very difficult time with it. My uncle has lived with the same "roommate" for the last 40 years. He grew up in the Catholic church, during a time that such self-actualizations did not happen in public. To this day, no one speaks of it. That is a shame.
I think I see where you're coming from; there is a pride in the courage it takes to come out and to identify as gay, and that pride is hard-earned and ought to be celebrated. I agree! I think this all ties in with being confident and courageous, but I won't disagree that there is some healthy pride in that as well. :)
lessismore · 4816 days ago · link ·
Let it be said that I am silly. I am damn proud of my sexual orientation.