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comment by Kafke
Kafke  ·  4029 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Mental state of looking at people vs. people looking at you(?)

That sounds like me. People look at me = I obviously did something wrong, or I look wrong, something is obviously wrong. Though, my thoughts probably come from what I think when I look at people. I "assess" people, and mentally compare and contrast myself. Are they walking fast? slow? how are they dressed? bland? stand-outish? Are they with anyone? If so, what are they like? They don't have headphones. Am I weird for walking through a crowd with headphones on? Hah, that guy's shirt is so lame. Wait... what shirt am I wearing? looks down. Oh, good. It's not my obvious fan-boy shirt. I'm sooo glad I wasn't wearing that.

Something like that. Though, I get really self conscious and on fight/flight mode when outside or when in public. If I get really alert, then sometimes I'll start walking faster and everything kind of becomes a blur.

Needless to say I'm really paranoid.