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comment by cgod
cgod  ·  4026 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Will PBS Deliver the Death Blow to the NFL? | VICE United States

A lot of guys don't make millions in their NFL career but it probably won't keep people from thinking they do. The longer the career the more base pay goes up and the better the pension is.

Boxing is my favorite sport and it's just as troubling as football as far as long term brain trauma is concerned. I guess I just ignore the ethics of my culpability as a fan. I don't ignore it I suppose, I'm aware of the danger these guys put themselves in every time they step into a ring and I watch anyway. There is a growing awareness of long term dangers of the sport (both because the real dangers are only now being realized and campaigns to educate boxes have just gotten off the ground in the past few years).

Maybe I should put the money I would pay for an HBO subscription to one of the charities that does research and education for fighters and torrent fights instead. Not that it makes up for it, just a self serving way for me to have a lighter conscious I suppose. It's the sport I love.