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comment by cgod
cgod  ·  4027 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: A Lou Reed review of Kanye's Yeezus

I think Kanye is one of the biggest talents of his generation.

I haven't given anything but a cursory listen to Yeezus so I can't really back flagamuffin's suggestion but I do agree that listening to him chronologically is interesting if you have the patience.

Every album is a bit of biography, every one gets at some essential message about who Kanye is. I know of no artist who seems to show so much of himself, it isn't pretty, I find it a bit disgusting and painful.

Might be easier to start at Graduation, it's his most accessible album and if it catches you move forward in time before you go backward. I think he is a Stevie Wonder level talent with a lot of ear candy, bravado and arrogance on top and heartrendingly honest biography underneath.

glitchinthematrix  ·  4027 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I can agree with you, but Kanye's works in hip/hop & rap are very diverse. Some of it is dark, some funny, and a lot of it makes you think. I think if were to suggest any particular album by Kanye, I'd say start with Yeezus -- It is entirely different than any of his other work that stands alone, almost as though his previous music never existed.