As an American living in Canada, the holiday season always reminds me of just how American I am - without even trying. This weekend is Thanksgiving here. And although families do get together, it feels a little holiday-lite. I've always thought the progression of fall holidays in the States had a lovely pace to them. Halloween - Thanksgiving - Christmas. A great building up of family with warming hearts to battle the coming snow.
Absolutely right about that. We don't get behind Thanksgiving in a pilgrims and Puritans way. The US Thanksgiving was officially proclaimed by Abraham Lincoln. That's a pretty big endorsement. In Canada it was made a stat holiday in 1957. It has no history and five of our provinces make it optional. I married an American, so Thanksgiving, even the Canadian version is always a big deal for him. I'm like, meh. In any event, it is always a good idea to step back and be grateful.