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Moderation. Cate Le Bon. Bad video, good song.
Stark Reality : Acting, Thinking, Feeling.
Madvillainy was on heavy rotation for probably 8 months at my house when it came out. That and Quasimoto's (aka Madlib) The Unseen. Those two albums alone elevated Stones Throw to an untouchable level. I was lucky enough to see DOOM live at the Biltmore in Vancouver maybe in '08. For my money, there's never been a better flow than Figaro. See the 1:21 minute mark. RIP MF DOOM
Tricky indeed. I've worked on many public building designs. Community centers, recreation centers, libraries. One time my team was told that our proposal looked too good. The city did not want the perception that they were spending taxpayer funds frivolously. So instead of getting a building the town could perhaps be proud(er) of, they were given something not as good in my opinion. This is a different sitation though. It would be cool to watch a man-on-the-street type of interview to see how Notre Dame symbolically lives inside the minds of everyday Parisians.
I have been in it. It is itself beautiful and the space it creates in the city is incredible. I want to reiterate that I believe a potentially different idea added to the existing building is probably impossible to achieve because the original is just too powerful of an idea and image to manipulate and reenvision. Having it be the roof only is a constraint that even the best design can not overcome. In general though, I believe that it is ok to at least have a conversation about how a building can change for future generations. You're probably right in this case though and maybe the existing story of Notre Dame is in itself powerful enough to last another 500 years. What do you think it will it look like in 1000 years?
A true restoration should be the default strategy at this point unless someone can come up with a compelling design that is overwhelmingly beautiful. That may be impossible but it's a least a fun thought experiment. To my knowledge, Notre Dame in modern times remains an active participant in Parisian religious and civic activities. Historic but still at work. For that reason, I think it's worth considering how it can be renovated into the current image of the city, as cultural views on religion continue to change.
A lot of renovation ideas have been submitted for this problem. Most pretty bad. I always thought this one was headed in the right direction. Maybe that spire is too much, but a chiseled glass canopy is nice. Having it be a farm is terrible though. Why not just a small park for contemplation? In my mind there is a direct lineage from gothic architecture to parametricism.