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From Guenther Anderson:
"Following is a complete how-to for my favorite recipe, Cranberry Liqueur. It covers in detail a number of issues which are taken for granted in other recipes here. It's probably a good introduction to read through before starting one of your own."
We've made other liqueurs before, but never the cranberry. Let me dig for recipes, just a second.... and here's one of the ones I collected, a strawberry liqueur, from the delightful blog Cottage Smallholder
thenewgreen · 4801 days ago · link ·
Thanks. I take great pleasure in mixing new cocktails when friends and family come over. The way I see it you can either spend $8-12 a drink at an upscale bar or you can take the time to make it at home. I collect recipes from bartenders like others do chefs for entrees. My favorite that I've collected thus far hails from a restaurant in Ann Arbor called Zingermans Roadhouse. It's called a Corpse Reviver #2:
No worries on the recipes, I will just experiment, that's the fun part anyways.
thenewgreen · 4801 days ago · link ·
First of all, great advice is often simple: First, clean the heck out of your jar. Any faint lingering smell will become a taste in your liqueur -I have learned this lesson the hard way before with simple syrup.
This sounds great, I'm wondering if you vielmetti have made this before? If so, what types of cocktails have you made with the liqueur? It seems pretty straight forward.