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comment by thenewgreen
thenewgreen  ·  4003 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What's up Hubski?

I'm doing well, I"m in Durham NC. It's a bit overcast and the temp is about 50 degrees F. All the leaves are at their peak color for fall right now, which is beautiful. Today, I have several presentations to put together because my boss is coming in town to work with me tomorrow and call on 3 of my biggest opportunities. These could really help solidify my 2014.

Because he comes in tonight, I will definitely be going out to dinner. Likely sushi, as it seems to be the cuisine we always opt for.

I'm looking forward to the next two days as they've been planned for some time now. Once they're behind me I can focus on new challenges.

Right now I can hear hammering and construction happening several houses over. I just heard a leaf blower and looked out my bedroom window. Someone is blowing off the leaves from my deck? I didn't ask anyone to do that....

time to investigate.