we are two ripples in one pond---------------------------------------------------------in one pond we are two ripples energy commencing from separate points-----------------------------------separate energies converging on a point forcibly, and inevitably moving towards each other-------------each other moving together forcibly and inevitably ------------------------------------------------------------we collide-------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- then move apart again----------move apart, then again------------------------------- --------------- encountering other ripples------------------------------- other ripples we encounter------------------- fading into entropy---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------fade into entropy a few minor changes
thanks coffeespns - I love the idea of the ripples colliding...it's sad when they move apart... water is the metaphor for the constant motion of our human encounters. I've been playing with a lot of water concepts: water down to a thin soup, cosmic sea, liquid lunch, strange brew, rain, raining cats and dogs, tip of the iceberg, condensation, melting, freezing....all of these swimming about in my mind (and fading to entropy)... cloudy rainy day.... heading out to an event...but will see what bubbles to the surface. ut nothing has come together yet
frankly, the dashes are because I am bad at figuring out formatting and needed a way to make the mirror effect! I'm going to keep working on it.