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comment by AlderaanDuran
AlderaanDuran  ·  3994 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How can I save money when I'm already in debt?

I worked FT well going to two year school FT. It was a tough two years, and it was a grind at times, but it was totally worth it. Working in between years, or during, can help a lot. Problem is at that point in life, fresh out of the parents house and no responsibilities, many kids seem to want to say that's "too much", but some people work two jobs and have kids and do that their whole life. It can be done, most people just don't want to make that sacrifice. They want to be young, have free time, play video games, or party with their friends. They tell themselves they need those things, hell I did for awhile. Turns out I laid the foundation for my work ethic that has gotten me to where I am today. Now a 70 hour week here or there doesn't phase me and has me asking for more, and getting raises and promotions.

Though obviously that lifestyle isn't for everyone. For me, I got through it by knowing it was temporary and for a greater good. And I still had a lot of fun during those two years, those few nights or random days I did have off, I didn't sit around wasting them, I took full advantage of them and cherished them. Made me appreciate being motivated, and really get away from my lifestyle of pot and video games and being enjoyment of being "lazy".

But like others have said, depends on what you're studying too. If it's a really intense major like law, medical or engineering, this probably won't work. But if you're a business major or something along those lines, you can swing working during school.

user-inactivated  ·  3994 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I have two jobs and I study full time, but the lifestyle like you say isn't for everyone. I'm hesitant to even suggest something like that because if you aren't the sort of person who can/want to handle it it'll set you back a long time.

Great point, though, I appreciate the free time so much. I derive as much pleasure from having an evening where I can read for pleasure without guilt as I would from a full-blown vacation.

AlderaanDuran  ·  3994 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    I derive as much pleasure from having an evening where I can read for pleasure without guilt as I would from a full-blown vacation.

I had a similar experience during those times. A night where I could just drink a couple beers, and read a book or catch up on a TV show might as well have been a week long vacation. Oddly, it prepared me for my current lifestyle of a busy career, home ownership, and marriage. To this day I appreciate the free time I have so much. Being bored isn't really something I've experienced in a long long time.

But yeah, definitely not for everyone.