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comment by sounds_sound
sounds_sound  ·  4110 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Dear Spike Lee

Most people think that because some designers produce images with a computer, the work is easy and has an endless yield. You can tell them otherwise, but it won't sink in. The concept of photoshopping has become so cheapened that it's value, in certain circles, has been diminished to that of a parlour trick.

90% of my work is drawing and making images. On a computer. I make images that people, not long ago, could only make by hand. And let me tell you what - people in established fields don't respect the computer crafted image. There is a real contempt for it I think. This contempt has trickled up into corporate practices the industry over. Your work on a computer is worthless = YOU are worthless. Add that to the fact that many in advertising find their own business suspect and without a generative core. What you're left with is a toxic brew of cannibalism as a means of base survival.

cW  ·  4109 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Wow. An astute and concise summary of a really bleak state. I've been feeling this way for awhile regarding digital photography. It may also have become true along the way about digital audio recording. The playing field has definitely been leveled technologically speaking, which reduces the degree of awe and thrall in which experts and artists can hold us. To some extent, I regard this as a good thing, as far more players are allowed into the field, and any idea can rise to the top. It certainly has made us jaded to the value of craft, though.