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comment by user-inactivated
user-inactivated  ·  3964 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What do you do when you check the internet?

Typically I check on newly released manga , the reads that I'm in the middle of typically get left up on chrome constantly. If I turn my computer off I'll lose where I am, or forget about it altogether. I'll check some new manga, read the new chapter, probably open Facebook after that to see if any of my friends are online and possibly browse that a bit. Not a huge fan of Facebook anymore though, so I've been using it less and less, trying to find my own means of satisfaction, instead of just following everybody else's lives. After that I'll just read my long term read manga most likely, or try to find one. I've got some money in bitcoin so I'll check that usually as well, and see how its looking. Occasionally I'll open reddit, but not often. Hubski is pretty much saved for when I'm at work, since its nice to read articles in the middle of doing something, or when I don't have much to do.