I usually check my email/facebook, then hubski, reddit, a couple of blogs to find any new posts, Quora, Hacker News, and Techcrunch (in something like that order). My preferred places to find things to read:
Quora is an open question forum. They send me a weekly newsletter of the "best" answers to questions asked that week (best I take to mean most voted on).
The Last Psychiatrist is an anonymous psychiatrist challenging you to forego narcissism, analyze your cultural context, and even change your behavior. I find that sharing his essays usually leads to interesting conversations, as long as someone gives his style a chance.
Hubski's tag #goodlongread for a variety of longer essays from a variety of Hubski users.
What's your internet footprint?
I wake up, get out of bed and drag a comb across my head. I make my way downstairs and check my email, then I check Hubski, then I check Hubski analytics to see what's shaking in the world of referring sites. Then I read the news today, oh boy! NPR, The Economist, The Atlantic, TNR, Slate, The New Yorker and sometimes The New York Times. Then I post anything I think is interesting to Hubski, for example say the english army had just won the war... Then I patiently wait.... BAM.. there's a Hubski comment from lil or humanodon or flagamuffin that I reply to about how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall.... and so on.
The hubski wheel turning orange is now more appealing to me than facebook notifications, which I must say, is a sea change. Because there's nothing like little red numbers over your facebook globe and the subsequent flood of endorphins, "*omg* people are involving me over the internet!!"
I agree. Facebook notifications are often stuff i don't care about like: "this girl you don't know just posted a funny picture on the classes's facebook" When I get an orange wheel, it's more like "somebody thinks your comment/post is interesting enough to post a thoughtful response". Waaaay better :)
Well then, here... have a notification :) I have way more notifications on Hubski than I do FB. Plus, the notifications on Hubski tend to be things I want to actually respond to. I very rarely post a comment on FB these days.
I normally open Google Docs to check my "To Do" list and then open Twitter to chat with my game dev friend, Hubski to see what cW has messaged me last and browse, and SoundCloud/YouTube to listen to some indie bands. After this, I sometimes get in a "dev mode" and go on a programming/art binge. This includes working on e-Vox and an upcoming top-down space shooter game.
When I start my computer it auto opens Sparrow (with all 8 of my email accounts that I have), Spotify, and Chrome. When I start Chrome it defaults to Hubski. So that's always first. Then I explore for a bit while deciding what I want to listen to and occasionally deleting all the spammy emails and replying to the rest of my emails. I usually have about 150 emails after a weekend and 20 to deal with during the weekdays. I'm working more closely with our team in China and Korea so I'm getting a lot of emails overnight now. My bosses' boss sends a lot of emails at 10pm for some reason. I swear he must be laying in bed with his wife thinking "Did insom complete this task?" :P Then my Facebook, Hubski's Facebook, my graphic design class Facebook. Then my Twitter and try to post a hubski link or two. Which inevitably leads me back to Hubski and the cycle repeats until I unplug my internet cable get my 8 hours of work done in an hour or two. Then I spend the rest of the day in meetings or doing little tasks that inevitably get dumped on my plate all while Hubski is open. :)
8 email accounts, dang yo, I thought 2 was too many. Isn't that around the time everyone has their "shiiit, I totally forgot to..." moments? The time where it's just socially unacceptable to call someone, and also where it's not technically reasonable to expect them to respond to emails? That's when suddenly I remember all those little shits I gotta do.My bosses' boss sends a lot of emails at 10pm for some reason. I swear he must be laying in bed with his wife thinking "Did insom complete this task?" :P
When I sign on, I generally open Facebook, reddit and hubski first. When I took a glimpse on those, I open NeoGAF to get my daily dose of hardcore gaming infos... After that, it's time for less relevant news, as in heise.de for German IT news and zeit.de which is the German newspaper I read (mostly) daily. If I'm in the mood of spending money, I'll visit mydealz.de and chillmo.com, both German websites for cheap stuff to order from the internet or locally. Then I start deriving from one of those pages, or I'll chat, watch a series or play a video game :D
I normally open my email, Reddit, Hubski, Feedly and Luminosity for some quick fun/brain training. I then continue to follow any interesting links in those sites, until the point where I run out and go and be productive.
Typically I check on newly released manga , the reads that I'm in the middle of typically get left up on chrome constantly. If I turn my computer off I'll lose where I am, or forget about it altogether. I'll check some new manga, read the new chapter, probably open Facebook after that to see if any of my friends are online and possibly browse that a bit. Not a huge fan of Facebook anymore though, so I've been using it less and less, trying to find my own means of satisfaction, instead of just following everybody else's lives. After that I'll just read my long term read manga most likely, or try to find one. I've got some money in bitcoin so I'll check that usually as well, and see how its looking. Occasionally I'll open reddit, but not often. Hubski is pretty much saved for when I'm at work, since its nice to read articles in the middle of doing something, or when I don't have much to do.
I check my mail, facebook and hubski. Then I watch what's in my youtube subscription box (this takes a while, i'm subscribed to lots of people). Then I go back to reading an article on hubski, go on reddit a bit. What I do after that really depends on the day. I might read a bunch of articles on a specific subject that day. Watch some tutorials on stuff I want to do. Watch a TV show or a movie. Mindlessly browse reddit. Chat with friends on facebook. It depends.