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My wife and I spend the better part of 10 hours a day making decisions for other people. For all of the skills we have learned these past years as managers, we haven't learned how to find a balance. When we get home, neither of us wants to make the simplest of decisions: What to make for dinner.
When I was in Mexico this past November, one of the most irritating and yet also refreshing things was the lack of cell phone reception. It has been a very long while since I've gone on a vacation that feels like a vacation because I could not read my work emails. The disconnection is really a reconnection with yourself.
lessismore · 4798 days ago · link ·
We've all become slaves to things that are supposed to make our lives easier. All companies should follow the lead of Volkswagen.
thenewgreen · 4798 days ago · link ·
I have worked for several fortune 100 companies and each one of them has preached "work life balance". Only 1 of the 3 actually walked the walk and they (unlike the other 2) are consistently ranked as one of the best companies to work for. If I were to try and call my boss anytime after 5:30, he would think I was crazy. As long as you are performing to a high level, they leave you alone. -As it should be. This company also does dollar for dollar charitable matching and pretty much demands that twice a year we all take a day off from work to do community service. I've painted inner city schools with C-Level executives sweating while they worked right next to me. It's a cool environment. (that shall remain nameless :))