I'm pretty sure I'm going to get prescribed with ADD or ADHD or whatever at my Doctor's appointment this Tuesday. I've been struggling with even bringing the topic up with my doctor. In my culture, stuff like this is just considered a sign of weakness, or laziness. I've always wondered if I actually have it, or if I'm just lazy. But the thing is, if it really were just laziness, I would only have trouble focusing on things I'm trying to avoid, right? The stuff I like I could certainly focus on. But that's not the case. I've been pretty down about this all day, actually. I feel like I can't get a grip on anything, whether I like it or not, because of how scatterbrained I am. I have to take breaks writing this damn post because I'm too busy bouncing my knees around, or looking at the water bottle next to me, or scrolling aimlessly through iTunes, or what-have-you. Whether it's lazy or not, I figure I should at least talk to my doctor about it. I feel pretty crummy anyways, so it couldn't hurt. Perhaps I will make my own post about how it works out, when I do go.
If you are diagnosed with ADHD I'd be interested to know how they came to that conclusion, how quickly and if you think it was appropriate.Perhaps I will make my own post about how it works out, when I do go.
Good luck at the appointment 8bit. Do you trust your doctor? If so and you value their expertise, my advice would be to be as honest as possible.
Yeah, my Doc is aces, and what I'm not worried about is his honesty. If he thinks I'm being a lazy sad-sack that definitely doesn't need medication, he'll have zero problems telling me. I'll let you know how it goes. I think I'll deem it appropriate or not based on how quickly he diagnoses me. There's also that aspect of skepticism due to the fact that I'm a grubby college kid looking to score some adderall. I'll be interested to see if he addresses that. It feels like ADHD is one big self-fulfilling prophecy of self-doubt. At least I'm struggling with whether or not I should label my issues as ADHD, as opposed to blaming my problems on ADHD, I suppose.