Overall, I've reached one goal. I've finished my bachelors degree. The 28th of august to be precise. Glad I did and the master is next :) The 5 chin-ups/pull ups did not make it. Too busy during the summer finishing my bachelor... I did get back into lifting in november/december and I intend to continue the habit. Parkour. Tried it, wimped out when I realized I would have to teach myself without guidance and got into judo instead. The fifth lesson or so resulted in a shoulder injury which kept me from participating the rest of the year. I start again next week. A book a month. Nope, did not make it. I did start reading more though. 2 hour max internet time. I did cut back on my internet time (as you might have noticed here as I visit less often). Not to 2 hour max, but I did cut back. This year I will start a blog :P EDIT: Spelling...
This year I will start a blog :P
-That's exciting s_s, what will the topic/theme/concept be? Any ideas?
I'm thinking about engineering as that is something I know quite a bit about. However, it might also be about free software (hobby) or politics (as I am also planning on at least orienting on the political parties here and maybe joining one as there is a need for more technical people in politics. Way to make a difference). All in all, I'm not sure yet. Suggestions?