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comment by thenewgreen
thenewgreen  ·  3909 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski what is your idealogy? Political, Spiritual, Personal.

We just moved to a new neighborhood. The people across the street were kind enough to invite us over for a Superbowl party they had. We entered and I asked how they all knew one another and was told they were part of a "living group" at their church. I smiled outwardly, while internally I went "Doh!"

They were all very, very nice to us and welcoming but there is always this sense that I'm about to be pitched Amway at some point by someone that self-identifies as "religious."

While I've never self-identified as a Dem or Rep, I (like most rational people) have always thought of myself as socially liberal and fiscally conservative. But these are subjective things and I don't like to paint myself with too broad of a brush. Identifying with a political party, to me, seems insane. -especially in the times we live in.

I was raised Catholic too and I have to say that some times I still enjoy seeing a mass, if only to enjoy the nostalgia that comes from the routine. Friends that know I'm a musician always think I'll like thier church because the band is rocking and the light show is spectacular etc... But to me, church should be an organ and a choir. There's no electric guitar in church, no drum set.