I heart this band. A whole lot.
I think Passover is my favorite. Phosphene Dream is really good too. There is also a 6 track (EP?) release called Phosgene Nightmare worth checking out if you like the other stuff. I saw them live last April- amazing show! I think they are touring with Roky Erickson this year.
Also, Indigo Meadow (their latest album) is good too.
Fantastic! Complete with psychedelic light show that kind of mirrors their album covers and totally complements the music without being over the top and annoying. Also, badass chick drummer!
Very cool. You know, it's kind of interesting to me that even though there are many visible women in bands right now, a woman on drums or bass is still thought of as somewhat exotic. Even though I'm aware of this, I do sit up and pay a bit more attention when I hear about a badass woman on drums or bass.